Welcome to Roflcoptor
We are currently accepting all jobs
Sky/Sea access is required to attend events however we will consider those who are missing one so long as they are willing to work on gaining access as soon as possible
People with key jobs (Tanks/Support) and/or references also greatly affect application success and speed
Linkshell Rules and Information can be found in
>>This Thread<<Good luck in your application
Sky/Sea Access:
Can you attend all events:
Previous/Current Linkshells:
Previous Event Experiance:
Other Information:
DRG75 All nessisary subjobs /war /sam /thf /nin etc
SMN75 /whm /sch
Sky/Sea Access:
Sky access and full Sea access
Can you attend all events:
I can although I may be late Thursdays by 10-20min due to bus travel
Hidan Valrash Vindel Dawnmist Volfield and everyone else in the LS
Previous/Current Linkshells:
OSDynamis, CtrlAltElite (Dynamis), DynaFFS, Eternia (Sky/sea), BlueLagoon (Limbus) EinherjarForever
Previous Event Experiance:
Been doing Sky/Sea for Years and done all NMs but Absolute Virtue, Have all Dynamis Clears other then Tavnazia, Done both Proto Omega/Ultima, Done all Tier 1 Einherjar and gotten Floor 100 Nyzul Isle
Other Information:
I'm beardless, been on Fairy since character creation, I have cooking 66.6 because I like the number and I'm interested in doing Salvage for Marduk. I look forward to meeting new people and new challenges.